West beach

It's always the same beach and yet it's different every time.
mbc-200306-091317  "Misty morning" in spiaggia mbc-200301-074339  Il mare e la spiaggia di Port Alfred mbc-200306-091910  Mattina di nebbia in spiaggia mbc-220305-140358-sf
mbc-220321-141325  Walking along the West Beach of Port Alfred mbc-231231-091557  Walking along the West Coast of Port Alfred mbc-231231-091608  Walking along the West Coast of Port Alfred mbc-240308-090751  The cormorans rock
mbc-221104-091932  Walking along the west beach mbc-240308-092008  Between sea and beach mbc-231226-093352  Walking along the West Coast of Port Alfred mbc-220305-135048  While wpalking on the beach
mbc-200301-074256  Il mare a Port Alfred mbc-210221-082405  Port Alfred beaches mbc-210217-183642  Sunset over the sea mbc-210226-190429  Full moon over the Indian Ocean
mbc-200302-074805  Ucelli in riva al are mbc-200313-085640  Uccellino solitario in spiaggia mbc-230214-084648 mbc-211013-095713  Strolling along West Beach
mbc-211013-102433  Strolling along West Beach